Sunday, August 27, 2017


One can think that they just simply move through life and become the reality of their goals and dreams...they will be incredibly wrong, and foolish to even be purporting such untruth.  Nothing in life would be achieved if you as a person are not committed to personal growth and development.  This must be a consistent continual process and state, rather than a one time event.

And so, we must placed all emphasis on working on who we are than we place on other things.  Because who we are determines in full effect who we become.  I've realized very early in this process of success that if you want to build a big business, you must first become a big you.  Alot of people want the big success and big life, but not as eagerly interested and excited about placing even greater and bigger emphasis upon themselves.  Therefore they trick themselves into an inescapable falsehood and prison of fear, regret, and baseless useless wishful and hopeful thinking.

The moment Personal Development becomes the emphasis is the moment you begin a level of seriousness about change, and your commitment to create a life of success begins to be intensified.  And so as growth happens, so is much more the intensity of our emotions to commit to growth and the creation of a person better able to attract the frequencies that unlock the development of our dreams and goals, through new connects of persons and arrangement of favorable circumstances.

COMMIT TO PERSONAL GROWTH.  Read books in tandem with growth and mastery.  Begin to upgrade your desire for knowledge and "written mentorship" - authors who can now provide a level of mentorship and coaching...compact between the covers of their books.  Listen to new material that intensify the emotions of personal growth and success.  Shape the new you, and become who you need to be to create the success you want to experience.

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