Sunday, August 13, 2017


To many people, the whole idea of success is at times elusive.  Because growing up, we have been confronted by all sorts of philosophies and doctrines, experiences or data that have all shaped our mind and perspective about life, and about what we should do or should not do, what we should become or should not become.  Yes indeed...Choices.  And people make their decision nonetheless to embrace what faces them or to create their own scenarios.  And their power to choose between this or that depends upon the doctrines and philosophies they have embraced.  It was George Bernard Shaw, who wrote, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.  I do not believe in circumstances.  The people that get on in this world are the people that get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them."

This means to say that people can also choose to be and to become successful.  It does not matter the nature of your circumstances nor your schooling.  And this is the choice that I have made, become life, in business, in relationships, in every area and aspect of my life.  But I understand also from tutelage of my mentors, that you become successful by helping others as well become successful.  This means that I am on a Mission.  I call it the Mission of Success, in which I am in pursuit of people who also interested in becoming success and creating success.  People who are in pursuit of a better, happier, joyful and funfilled life.  It is my desire that this mission takes me all over my country, all over my region, and all over the world, in every country, in every continent, meeting, impacting and touching people and groups from all walks of life.  Because no greater joy will I have than to see others become successful in their lives, and we can all share the journeys and stories of their success.

Here we will highlight those journeys, and those stories.  Those experiences, and those travels; as we embark on our own success journey, around and across the globe.  This is DMA GOING GLOBAL.

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